After dedicating weeks and months to creating the best thing since sliced bread, your offer is finally ready. Hooray!
But before you get started with promotions and all, know that you’ll need to share more than the “regular” content to make your phone chime ~non-stop~ with sales notifs on launch day.
While creating a handful of educational carousels or promotional reels is good, it isn’t enough. And that’s because simply asking your audience to buy your program—because it’s transformative—doesn’t guarantee that they will.
You need strategically planned messaging designed to get people to sign up and buy. You need launch copywriting.
Consider this your guide to every frickin’ thing: “launch copywriting,” because I’m going to break down what the term means, the copy assets you need, and how to DIY it the right way.
Table of Contents
What is launch copywriting?
Launch copywriting means creating messaging that drives sales during your program or course launch. So, if you’re wondering what a launch copywriter does, this is it.
The whole point of creating your signature offer is because:
(1.) You want to make SALES.
(2.) You want to make an IMPACT.
That’s why you need launch copy that will get you results, especially if your offer is new to the market. Sales copy for a new offer has to be strategic because your audience isn’t familiar with it.

Launch copywriting examples for coaches
Now that you know what launch copywriting means, there are vital launch copywriting assets you need to know about and prepare as a course or creative who wants to launch something.
Here are the 10 launch copywriting assets to get you conversions and sales:
- Pre-launch copy
- Tease-piece copy
- Sales page copy
- Open-cart/launch sequence
- Post-launch copy
- Ad copy
- Quiz-funnel copy
- Affiliate copy
- SEO website copy
Each of these copy assets has a role to play in the success of your launch. And while all of them are useful, some of them are must-haves, and these are the ones you should focus on.
How to write launch copy that sells your program
At this point, you know what launch copywriting is about and the assets you’ll need for your course release.
Now, let’s talk about proven strategies to DIY your launch copy so your dream clients are more than happy to sign up for your offer.

1. Figure out your ideal clients
Have you ever received a random, weird-ass Instagram DM or email that reads something like, “hi, we’re… and we can help your marketing agency…” when you’re obviously a solo mindset coach?
Well, I’ve received at least 99 messages like that, and my default response is always to trash them because the basic rule of marketing is to first “know who you’re selling to,” and they don’t ever do their homework.
You can’t sell to people you don’t know anything about. So before you start writing your launch copy, take the time to figure out who your ideal client is.
- Who exactly is your offer for?
- What do they want to get rid of?
- What goals are they trying to achieve?
- What languages do they consistently use when addressing their situations?
Then, think about how can you infuse these into your sales copy.
2. Create a launch strategy
Every successful launch, regardless of the business level, has a well-thought-out strategy behind it.
A launch strategy is a plan you set in place so your message and marketing processes follow a streamlined flow. It takes into account your editorials, pre-launch ideas, copy assets, funnel, and lead-generation plan.
Before you get on with writing your launch copy, ensure that your ideas align with the strategy you’ve mapped out.
In the Ready-to-Launch Workbook, I share tips to help you develop a clear launch strategy, whether you’re launching your course, program, or anything else.
3. Plan your messaging
There’s more need to “plan” your messaging than to simply write it. One of the launching mistakes creatives make is whipping up their sales copy at the last minute.
You can’t “let me quickly come up with something” your way to an influx of launch sales. So whether it’s your sales page copy, launch sequence, or pre-launch content, be intentional about writing them.
If your offer is frickin’ good, that’s the very reason your copy should match up and showcase this goodness.
One thing to keep in mind when writing your sales copy assets is to structure them according to what stage your ideal clients are at in your launch funnel.
Here are some effective prompts to get you started with planning and writing your launch copy:
- What theme or topic will your launch focus on?
- Where will you find insights into your ideal client’s needs?
- How will you use the data collected in your copy?
- What content formats and types will you use to promote your offer?
- What copy assets will you use for your launch? (Refer to the launch copywriting examples above)
- How will you tailor your copy to your launch funnel?
- How will you emphasize the benefits and transformations your offer provides?
4. Use empathy
While you might want to state the obvious, ensure you don’t shame your ideal clients.
Do not hammer at their pain points. Don’t agitate their frustrations. Instead, “empathize with” their pains.
Let them see that you can relate to what/how they feel. Use empathy to establish a connection.
Truth bomb: Pain-point marketing isn’t bad, negative, or unethical—or whatever horrible adjectives people tag it with. It is, in fact, beautiful and wildly effective IF you do it right. And that is by using empathy.
For instance, flip your copy from this:
The Balanced CEO is for you if you’re a busy solopreneur who is frustrated and burned out from working 24/7, and is looking to find a balance between working solo and living life. (Now, this isn’t bad, but—)
To sound empathetically like this:
You want to build your dream brand so badly that you’re on it 24/7. But being the chief everything officer of your business is making your body scream, “Girl, I need a break.” The Balanced CEO is your answer to getting more work done without giving up beach spa weekends. (This is connection-focused.)
Empathy is understanding. It is reassuring. And it, sure as hell, is convincing. So, use it more in your sales copy.
5. Perfect your funnel & all things copy
Writing the perfect copy for your course launch can sometimes mean that YOU DON’T.
Launch copywriting is more than stringing together a long line of texts that get, “uhmmm, this sounds nice” comments. It is a combination of research, strategy, sales psychology, and personality infusion that results in copy that makes readers go, “OMG, I need this—like yesterday!”
So, if copywriting isn’t your forte, you don’t have to exhaust 8 hours and 7 cups of coffee stressing over what to write for your pre-launch content campaign, sales page, or funnel sequence. I can come in and develop a profitable funnel strategy (plus write your copy), so you can focus on what lights you up.
Check out my done-for-you funnel solution, and let’s chat about your course launch.
P.S. It’s best to book eight weeks before your launch date, as this will allow us enough time to build out your funnel.
Simplify your launch copywriting process
Launch copywriting can look like a heckuva lot when you don’t know HOW to start.
With the steps explained above, you will know what copy assets to prepare for your launch and how to write copy that’ll get you conversions and sales.
It’s my wish that you launch profitably and from a place of ease and confidence, and that’s why I created the launch workbook to help you plan your course or program launch.
Click here to download the workbook.
If you’re planning a launch and would like to work with a funnel copywriter, let’s chat about your project.
And if you’re more of a DIY girlie but want more structured guidance—or you’re not quite ready for a multi-4-figure investment—this strategy session is the perfect solution for you.