How to Write a Contact Page for Your Website

The way businesses layout their Contact pages feels so bland.

With so much spice and vibe on the other main pages of your website, how come the contact page looks like the barest minimum? 

Picture this: Someone’s been browsing your site, loving what they see, and they’re this close to reaching out. Where do they land? 

Your Contact page.

Your Contact page shouldn’t be a basic “get in touch” form. it’s your last chance to make a great impression before they hit that send button. 

So let’s make it count, shall we?

What to include on your contact page 

Don’t know how to write a contact page for your website? Swipe this quick contact page copywriting template below

  • Instructional heading
  • Collab outreach info
  • Contact form or booking schedule
  • FAQs (optional)
  • Final CTA: Invitation to stay

If you’re wondering what to include in your contact page and why they’re even necessary, stay with me.

Using my Contact page as a case study, I’m going to break down why each of these elements is important for your Contact page.

Instructional hook

Alright, they’ve clicked on your contact page. You know what that means? 

They’re interested! 

This section is where you throw in your personable vibe while getting clear on what they can expect immediately after they inquire. 

Something like:

“Woohoo! You made it to our contact page. We’re doing a little happy dance over here because we can’t wait to hear about your project. Usually, we get back to folks within 24 hours (48 max if we’re having an unusually busy day). So hang tight, and we’ll be in touch before you know it!”


Personal, excited, and sets clear expectations. Win-win-win!

Collab outreach info

This section of your Contact page shouldn’t be missing. It’s for people wanting to feature you as a guest speaker or partner up. 

Give them a direct line to reach out or maybe a separate form. 

“Psst… If you’re here about a speaking gig or potential collab, shoot us an email at We love making new friends!”

Contact form or booking schedule

You can let them fill out a contact form and get back to them on how to proceed. Or, you can embed a booking calendar on your page to get on a call with them.  

For the questionnaire route, create a form that asks the right questions. 

Think beyond name and email. 

What do you need to know to give them the best possible response or see if you’d be the best fit for their needs?

And for the direct approach, pop in a calendar where they can book a call with you. You can include a booking form to collect the necessary details for your call. 

Swipe FREE copy website templates

Looking to DIY your website copy, but have no idea where to start? This guide contains step-by-step frameworks for every page of your site.

FAQs (optional)

If you find yourself answering the same questions over and over, you can throw in an FAQ section on your Contact page. This will save new leads the hassle of asking. 

I have this section on all my sub-services page. That’s why I chose not to include it here again.

Clarification is necessary to get “qualified” leads for your business.

Once they find answers to their burning questions, your perfect-fit clients can inquire because they’re clear about what they want. 

Final call-to-action (CTA)

Here’s the thing:

Not everyone who lands on your Contact page is ready to “reach out.” 

But that doesn’t mean they’re not interested! 

How about offering them a little something—other freemium or low-cost exclusive offers—to stay connected? Like a link to sign up for your newsletter, join your Facebook community, or book a strategy session.

The final CTA on your Contact page should be an invitation for people (who aren’t ready to reach out) to stay.

Swipe my contact page template

Your Contact page shouldn’t be underrated because it’s an opportunity. An opportunity to connect and reinforce why your dream clients should inquire. 

So make it welcoming, make it guiding, and most importantly, make it you.

Need a framework to write other pages of your website? Swipe my FREE Copy templates.

And if you’d like your dream website done for you, check out my website copywriting solution to start your project.

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